- Historical Data:
- Calendar
- Over Time
Temperature Data
- Top 100 Hottest Days
- Top 100 Coldest Days
- Last day of frost each year
- Temperature swing same day
- First 70,80,90 deg day each year
- Max High/Low each year
- Same day each year
- Same month each year
- Avg high/low each month
- Number of day Temp hit 100+
- Number of days Temp hit 90+
- Number of days Temp hit 80+
- Avg Winter Temperature
- Avg Spring Temperature
- Avg Summer Temperature
- Avg Fall Temperature
- Avg Year Temperature
- Yearly Temperature Trends
- Consecutive Days above 60,70,80,90
Snow Data
- 100 Largest Daily Snowfalls
- 100 Snowiest Months
- Snowiest Months By Month
- 100 Snowiest Single Day
- 50 Most/Least Days it Snowed per Year
- Top 50 Snow Storms
- Top 25 Snowiest Days Each Month
- Top 50 Most/Least Snowiest Years
- All Daily Snowfalls Greater than 'X'
- Number of Time it Snowed on the same Day
- Each Year Snow Totals
- First Snow of Each Season
- Year to Date Snow Totals for each Year
- Each Season Snow by Day
Rain Data
- 100 Rainiest Days
- 100 Rainiest Months
- 100 Rainiest Months Same Month
- 100 Least Rainiest Months
- 100 Least Rainiest Months Same Month
- 100 Rainiest Single Date
- 50 Most/Least Days it Rained per year
- 50 Most/Least Rain Total per Year
- Each Winter Rains
- Each Spring Rains
- Each Summer Rains
- Each Fall Rains
- Each Year Rain Total
- Year to Date Rain Totals for each Year
- Each Days Rain for the Year
Daily, Monthly and Yearly NOAA Data
* Data here is collected from JcWeather's Weather station instruments and is not official data.
For official data go to my weather calendar in Historical data section.